Congratulations on your accomplishment!

Eleven students of the Bachelor of Tourism, Applied Bachelor in Hospitality Management, and Applied Bachelor in Tourism Management have successfully passed the selection of the 5th batch of the 2023 Teaching Kampus (Kampus Mengajar) Program of the MBKM.
The successful students are:

1. Kadek Bayu Baskara (S1 Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 3 Serangan
2. Fila Delfia Gustina Novitasari Hutagalung (S1 Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 9 Peguyangan
3. Ni Kadek Rara Elisdayanti (S1 Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 1 Medahan
4. Ayu Tasbiati (D4 Manajemen Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 3 Blimbingrejo
5. Anggun Permata Sari (D4 Manajemennya Perhotelan) at SD Negeri 9 Dauh Puri
6. Ni Kadek Ayu Citra Lestari (D4 Manajemen Perhotelan) at SD Negeri 9 Dauh Puri
7. Maria Christin Wua (S1 Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 4 Seraya Timur
8. Jason Lim (D4 Manajemen Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 9 Dauh Puri
9. Marcellino Dominicus Adam (S1 Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 9 Peguyangan
10. Yosef Nathanael (D4 Manajemen Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 23 Dangin Puri
11. Marchella Qifiona (S1 Pariwisata) at SD Negeri 9 Peguyangan

The students will carry out the program, teaching elementary school children for 5 months, from February to June 2023.

Congratulations on your remarkable achievement! Keep your spirits up and make a positive impact on the nation’s next generation.

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